The daily construction of urban heritage from a gender perspective
Heritage urban space, everyday life, urban planning with a gender perspectiveAbstract
The background work on gender urbanism reports retrospective studies of the use of public space and spatial dynamics in different historical moments and recognize that the androcentric perspective has affected their conditions of insecurity, violence, and inequalities. This investigation, having as a problem to solve how the feminine gaze expressed in the daily use of space constitutes an endogenous factor in the construction of the patrimonial condition of the historical centralities of Mexican cities, joins those who propose to develop a disciplinary theoretical construct with a feminine perspective. Its objective was to measure the magnitude of the incidence of the daily use of space by the female gender in the construction of its patrimonial condition, taking as a case study the historical centrality of the City of Guanajuato, Mexico, whose patrimonial condition and singularity determined by its urban form, offers a context of observation of the phenomenon that is different from urban studies with a gender vision developed in Latin American and Spanish metropolitan cities with high population concentration. The study was descriptive, correlational, non-experimental, focused on non-participant empirical observation of daily life in three of its dimensions: space, time, and activities. The data reflected in thematic maps, graphs and tables, offered as main findings the recognition of the role of the commercial activity carried out by women on public roads, whose attributes of spatial appropriation, resistance and resilience constitute the genesis of the patrimonial condition of the case study.
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Capítulo de libro
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Disertación doctoral o tesis de maestría
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Publicación de varios volúmenes
Marmolejo, L. (2015) Efemérides guanajuatenses o datos para formar la historia de la ciudad de Guanajuato. Primera edición facsímil. Volumen I, tomos I y II. Universidad de Guanajuato.
Otros medios
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